Striving for impact:
Stonefield’s ESG approach.
Stonefield aims to operate and invest responsibly. We have developed our framework for managing Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) risks and opportunities best practises from the private equity industry, and international standards of responsible investment.
Our guiding business principles include commitment to add sustainable value to investee companies and to adhere to industry best practise related to ESG.
We follow a four-stage process in engaging underlying investee companies on ESG. The process provides a guide for assessing ESG factors for new investment opportunities and communicating material considerations to the Investment Committee.



Stonefield supports.
Stonefield has committed to support 10 learners at Ogwini Comprehensive School by sponsoring their school fees and school uniforms for the 2023 academic year. We have also agreed to establish a programme of academic awards, starting in 2024 academic year.